Four Safety Tips for a Safe Home Demolition

If you need to pull out tree stumps, or move massive amounts of dirt, heavy construction equipment can make the job a lot easier. Learn what to rent.

Four Safety Tips for a Safe Home Demolition

Four Safety Tips for a Safe Home Demolition

13 August 2015
, Blog

Completing a demolition project at home may involve pulling up hardwood flooring, tearing down walls, and removing drywall, and it can be dangerous. It is important that you make safety your top priority any time you attempt a DIY demolition project. Here are some tips for completing the project without injuries.

Disconnect the Power

Electrocution and fire hazards are considerable risks when you plan on demolition that involves the walls of your home. To ensure this doesn't happen, make sure the power is disconnected in the room you are working in. Since you might be using demolition equipment like power drills, you will need a power source from another room. Using an extension cord is your best bet. You can also use utility lights in the room you are working on to get ample light, or, of course, simply open the curtains during daytime hours. This prevents the need for turning on the lights while you are working.

Wear Protective Gear

A common mistake people make when doing their own demolition is not wearing enough protective gear. You might assume you will be careful and that nothing will happen, but this may not be the case. Professional demolition crews wear safety gear for a reason. You should have a good pair of goggles and a respiration mask to protect your eyes, nose, and mouth from dust and other debris. Also wear a hard hat, gloves, boots, and long sleeves.

Seal Off Areas with Plastic

Demolition results in a lot of dust and debris from plaster, drywall, and other materials. This can get extremely messy, and just shutting the door of nearby rooms might not be enough. When you are doing demolition on one area of the home, make sure you seal it off completely with large sheets of plastic and sturdy tape. This allows you to keep the dust only in the area you are working. You are protected with safety gear, but people in other rooms of the home might accidentally inhale the dust if the room isn't sealed off properly.

Inspect behind Walls

If you are planning on pulling off drywall or tearing down a wall, make sure you inspect what is behind it before you start tearing it down. You should never blindly swing a sledgehammer at a wall, even though it sounds like fun. You might accidentally hit plumbing pipes or electrical wires, which would then need to be repaired. You should also be aware of harmful asbestos if you have an older home.

If you have any doubts about your ability to do demolition safely, hire a professional demolition company, like Colorado Cleanup Corporation. This type of service will have all the necessary equipment and tools to safely complete a demolition, and you can save the hassle of doing it yourself.

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Renting The Right Stuff

When it comes to heavy-duty projects, like regrading a yard, you might be tempted to try it out with a few shovels and a little extra help from your friends. Unfortunately, some jobs simply aren't meant for people to do on their own. If you need to pull out tree stumps or move massive amounts of dirt, heavy construction equipment can make the job a lot easier. My blog is all about learning which specialized pieces of equipment you need to use when you start working. In addition to making your life easier, you might also learn how to save a little money at the rental shop.
